Monday, June 16, 2008

No plan of attack ever survives contact with the enemy.

I've just returned from a visit to a local doctor at Globe Medical. The complete visit including my filled prescription was $57... Yeah, that's right America a $57 doctor AND pharmacy visit, no insurance necessary! What the hell have we allowed our medical system to become?!!!

So now the bad news... I've got bronchitis and possibly walking pneumonia. This means that I'm looking at 2-4 weeks of recovery time, even with the antibiotics. Given my available time and the fact of having lost a week already, my plan to cycle to Darwin is essential finished.

I have carefully considered my options, including perhaps just a partial ride to Alice. Considering the gravity of the traveling unsupported through this environment, I've decided that it just isn't worth it. I need to be at 100% physically in order to have the confidence to this alone.

So after all the training, planning, expense, etc., it only took some one's uncovered cough to throw my plans to wind. To say that I'm disappointed really doesn't cover it- but I suppose it is far better to have this happen now as opposed to becoming ill out in the middle of nowhere.

Tentatively my plan now is to finish out the week in Adelaide, then head back to Melbourne. Depending on how quickly I'm recovering I may do some small trips around the region before heading back to the States. I'm gonna play it by ear...